Greater Love OKC, a Community that Connects.
The best way to describe what we are about is to ask a few “what if?” questions.
➤What if you don’t have to know all the answers?
➤What if it’s okay to ask questions?
➤ What if it’s safe to tell your story?
➤ What if you can be known and still be accepted and loved?
➤ What if there is no “good or bad” but just God?
➤ What if it’s okay to have a different opinion?
➤ What if the church isn’t a building?
➤ What if you were never separated from God?
➤ What if it’s okay to keep exploring the mystery that is God?
➤ What if God really is good and not something we just say?
➤ What if you could experience His goodness for yourself?
➤ What if God sees you just as you are and is delighted with you?
➤ What if you are more than you think?
➤ What if you have a greater source than yourself?
➤ What if there is more to life than you have experienced?
➤ What if there is healing for the trauma you have known?
➤ What if you gave yourself permission to feel?
➤ What if using your voice is acceptable?
➤ What if there is help for those who are discouraged, disappointed,
disillusioned, and disconnected?
Greater Love OKC is pleased to offer a place to ask and find answers to those
questions and more. A place where you can experience wholeness in your life through
connection with others, your authentic identity in Christ and your oneness with God. Our
services include counseling, classes, workshops, and support/small groups. We are very
grateful for the opportunity and privilege to partner with TP Church. We look forward to
being a blessing to all those in this area and to the TP Church family. Thank you!